Module RedProof

Require Import List.
Require Import Arith.
Require Import Freevar.
Require Import Misc.
Require Import Psatz.
Require Import Star.
Require Import Coq.Logic.Eqdep_dec.
Require Import FEnv.
Require Import STerm.
Require Import Beta.
Require Import Red.
Require Import Costar.
Require Import Pretty.
Require Import Inductive.
Require Import Rewrite.

Proof that red is compatible with beta.

Fixpoint read_nfval v :=
  match v with
  | nvar n => var n
  | napp v1 v2 => app (read_nfval v1) (read_nfval_or_lam v2)
  | nswitch v l => switch (read_nfval v) (map (fun pt2 => (fst pt2, read_nfval_or_lam (snd pt2))) l)

with read_nfval_or_lam v :=
  match v with
  | nval v => read_nfval v
  | nlam v => abs (read_nfval_or_lam v)
  | nconstr tag l => constr tag (map read_nfval_or_lam l)

Definition read_val {df} (v : val df) :=
  match v with
  | vals_nf v => read_nfval v
  | vals_abs t => abs t
  | vals_constr tag l => constr tag l
  | vald_nf v => read_nfval_or_lam v

Lemma read_val_nf :
  forall df v, read_val (@val_nf df v) = read_nfval v.
Proof.   intros [|] v; simpl; reflexivity.

Definition read_out {df} (o : out (val df)) := match o with out_div => None | out_ret v => Some (read_val v) end.
Definition read_ext {df} (e : ext df) :=
  match e with
  | ext_term t => Some t
  | ext_app o t2 => match read_out o with Some t1 => Some (app t1 t2) | None => None end
  | ext_appnf v1 o => match read_out o with Some t2 => Some (app (read_nfval v1) t2) | None => None end
  | ext_switch o m => match read_out o with Some t2 => Some (switch t2 m) | None => None end
  | ext_switchnf v m1 o m2 =>
    match o with
    | None => Some (switch (read_nfval v) (map (fun pt2 => (fst pt2, read_nfval_or_lam (snd pt2))) m1 ++ m2))
    | Some (p, o) =>
      match read_out o with
      | Some t2 => Some (switch (read_nfval v) (map (fun pt2 => (fst pt2, read_nfval_or_lam (snd pt2))) m1 ++ (p, t2) :: m2))
      | None => None
  | extd_abs o => match read_out o with Some t => Some (abs t) | None => None end
  | extd_constr tag l1 o l2 =>
    match o with
    | None => Some (constr tag (map read_nfval_or_lam l1 ++ l2))
    | Some o =>
      match read_out o with
      | Some t2 => Some (constr tag (map read_nfval_or_lam l1 ++ t2 :: l2))
      | None => None

Lemma red_star_beta :
  forall df e o, red df e o -> forall t1 t2, read_ext e = Some t1 -> read_out o = Some t2 -> star beta t1 t2.
Proof.   enough (forall df e o, red df e o -> o <> out_div -> forall t1 t2, read_ext e = Some t1 -> read_out o = Some t2 -> star beta t1 t2).
  { intros; eapply H; try eassumption. destruct o; simpl in *; congruence. }
  refine (preserved_with_inv3_rec _ _ red_ind3 _ _ red_not_div_preserved_down _).
  intros df e o H _ u1 u2 Hu1 Hu2.
  inversion H; unexistT; subst; unexistT; subst; simpl in *; autoinjSome.
  - rewrite read_val_nf. simpl. constructor.
  - constructor.
  - destruct o1; [|tauto].
    simpl in *. eapply star_compose.
    + eapply star_map_impl with (RA := beta); [intros; constructor; assumption|].
      apply H4; reflexivity.
    + apply H6; [reflexivity|assumption].
  - constructor.
  - destruct o1; [|tauto].
    simpl in *. eapply star_compose.
    + eapply star_map_impl with (f := fun t => app t t2) (RA := beta); [intros; constructor; assumption|].
      eapply H3; reflexivity.
    + apply H4; [reflexivity|assumption].
  - destruct o1; [|tauto].
    simpl in *. eapply star_compose.
    + eapply star_map_impl with (f := fun t => app _ t) (RA := beta); [intros; constructor; assumption|].
      eapply H3; reflexivity.
    + apply H4; [reflexivity|assumption].
  - econstructor; [apply beta_redex|].
    apply H3; [reflexivity|assumption].
  - rewrite read_val_nf. simpl. constructor.
  - constructor.
  - apply H2; [reflexivity|assumption].
  - rewrite app_nil_r. constructor.
  - destruct o1; [|tauto].
    simpl in *. eapply star_compose.
    + eapply star_map_impl with (f := fun t => constr _ (_ ++ t :: _)) (RA := beta); [intros; constructor; assumption|].
      eapply H4; reflexivity.
    + apply H6; [reflexivity|assumption].
  - apply H2; [|assumption]. rewrite map_app, <- app_assoc; reflexivity.
  - destruct o1; [|tauto].
    simpl in *. eapply star_compose.
    + eapply star_map_impl with (f := fun t => switch t _) (RA := beta); [intros; constructor; assumption|].
      eapply H3; reflexivity.
    + apply H4; [reflexivity|assumption].
  - apply nth_error_decompose in H3. destruct H3 as (m1 & m2 & -> & <-).
    econstructor; [|apply H4; [reflexivity|assumption]]. constructor.
  - apply H3; [reflexivity|assumption].
  - rewrite read_val_nf, app_nil_r. constructor.
  - destruct o1; [|tauto].
    simpl in *. eapply star_compose.
    + eapply star_map_impl with (f := fun t => switch _ (_ ++ (_, t) :: _)) (RA := beta);
        [intros; constructor; assumption|].
      eapply H3; reflexivity.
    + apply H4; [reflexivity|assumption].
  - apply H3; [|assumption]. rewrite map_app, <- app_assoc; reflexivity.
  - destruct e; simpl in *; try congruence;
      try solve [destruct o0; simpl in *; autoinjSome; simpl in *; congruence];
      destruct o0 as [o0|]; simpl in *; try congruence.
    + destruct o0 as [p o0]; destruct o0; simpl in *; autoinjSome; simpl in *; congruence.
    + destruct o0; simpl in *; autoinjSome; simpl in *; congruence.

Proof of preservation of divergence.
Definition read_ext_with_size {df} (e : ext df) :=
  match e with
  | ext_term t => Some (t, 2 * size t)
  | ext_app o t2 => match read_out o with Some t1 => Some (app t1 t2, 2 * size t2 + 1) | None => None end
  | ext_appnf v1 o => match read_out o with Some t2 => Some (app (read_nfval v1) t2, 0) | None => None end
  | ext_switch o m =>
    match read_out o with
    | Some t2 => Some (switch t2 m, 2 * list_sum (map (fun pt2 => S (size (snd pt2))) m) + 1)
    | None => None
  | ext_switchnf v m1 o m2 =>
    match o with
    | Some (p, o) =>
      match read_out o with
      | Some t2 => Some (switch (read_nfval v) (map (fun pt2 => (fst pt2, read_nfval_or_lam (snd pt2))) m1 ++ (p, t2) :: m2), 1 + 2 * list_sum (map (fun pt2 => S (size (snd pt2))) m2))
      | None => None
    | None => Some (switch (read_nfval v) (map (fun pt2 => (fst pt2, read_nfval_or_lam (snd pt2))) m1 ++ m2), 2 * list_sum (map (fun pt2 => S (size (snd pt2))) m2))
  | extd_abs o => match read_out o with Some t => Some (abs t, 0) | None => None end
  | extd_constr tag l1 o l2 =>
    match o with
    | Some o =>
      match read_out o with
      | Some t2 => Some (constr tag (map read_nfval_or_lam l1 ++ t2 :: l2), 1 + 2 * list_sum (map (fun t => S (size t)) l2))
      | None => None
    | None => Some (constr tag (map read_nfval_or_lam l1 ++ l2), 2 * list_sum (map (fun t => S (size t)) l2))

Definition read_out_with_size {df} (o : out (val df)) := match o with out_div => None | out_ret v => Some (read_val v, 0) end.

Definition fst_map {A B C : Type} (f : A -> B) : (A * C) -> (B * C) := fun x => (f (fst x), snd x).
Lemma option_map_fst_id :
  forall (A B : Type) (x : option (A * B)), option_map (fst_map id) x = x.
Proof.   destruct x as [[x y]|]; simpl; reflexivity.

Lemma red_div_beta_aux :
  forall t df e o, cored df e o -> read_ext_with_size e = Some t ->
              costarPTn beta t (read_out_with_size o).
Proof.   intros t df e o H Ht.
  exists (fun x y => exists df e o f,
         cored df e o /\
         option_map f (read_ext_with_size e) = Some x /\
         y = option_map f (read_out_with_size o) /\
         respectful (stepped beta) f /\ respectful weaken f).
    exists df. exists e. exists o. exists id. splits 5.
    - assumption.
    - rewrite option_map_id. assumption.
    - rewrite option_map_id. reflexivity.
    - intros x y Hxy. exact Hxy.
    - intros x y Hxy. exact Hxy.
  clear t df e o H Ht. intros x y (df & e & o & f & H & Hx & -> & Hf).
  inversion H as [? ? ? NH]; unexistT; subst.
  inversion NH; subst; simpl in *; unexistT; subst; simpl in *; autoinjSome; simpl in *.
  - rewrite read_val_nf in *; simpl in *.
    left. apply Hf. unfold weaken. split; simpl; [reflexivity|lia].
  - left. apply Hf. unfold weaken. split; simpl; [reflexivity|lia].
  - right; right.
    exists (f (abs t, 2 * size t)).
    exists (option_map (fun t1 => f (abs (fst t1), snd t1)) (read_out_with_size o1)).
    splits 3.
    + apply Hf. right. simpl. split; [reflexivity|]. simpl. lia.
    + eexists. eexists. eexists. exists (fun t1 => f (abs (fst t1), snd t1)).
      split; [exact H4|]. simpl. split; [reflexivity|]. split; [reflexivity|].
      split; intros x y Hxy; apply Hf.
      * destruct Hxy as [Hxy | Hxy]; [left; simpl; constructor; assumption|right; simpl; split; [f_equal|]; tauto].
      * unfold weaken in *. simpl. split; [f_equal|]; tauto.
    + intros w Hw. destruct o1; simpl in Hw; [|discriminate]. injection Hw; intros; subst.
      eexists. eexists. eexists. exists f.
      split; [exact H6|]. simpl. split; [reflexivity|].
      split; [reflexivity|]. apply Hf.
  - left. apply Hf. apply weaken_refl.
  - right. right.
    exists (f (app t1 t2, 2 * size t1 + 2 * size t2 + 1)).
    exists (option_map (fun t3 => f (app (fst t3) t2, snd t3 + 2 * size t2 + 1)) (read_out_with_size o1)).
    splits 3.
    + apply Hf. right. simpl. split; [reflexivity|lia].
    + eexists. eexists. eexists. exists (fun t3 => f (app (fst t3) t2, snd t3 + 2 * size t2 + 1)).
      split; [exact H3|]. simpl. split; [reflexivity|].
      split; [reflexivity|].
      split; intros x y Hxy; apply Hf.
      * destruct Hxy as [Hxy | Hxy]; [left; simpl; constructor; assumption|right; simpl; split; [f_equal; tauto|lia]].
      * unfold weaken in *. simpl. split; [f_equal; tauto|lia].
    + intros v Hv. destruct o1; simpl in Hv; [|discriminate]. injection Hv; intros; subst.
      eexists. eexists. eexists. exists f.
      split; [exact H4|]. simpl. split; [reflexivity|]. split; [reflexivity|]. assumption.
  - right. right.
    exists (f (app (read_nfval v) t2, 2 * size t2)).
    exists (option_map (fun t3 => f (app (read_nfval v) (fst t3), snd t3)) (read_out_with_size o1)).
    splits 3.
    + apply Hf. right. simpl. split; [reflexivity|lia].
    + eexists. eexists. eexists. exists (fun t3 => f (app (read_nfval v) (fst t3), snd t3)).
      split; [exact H3|]. simpl. split; [reflexivity|]. split; [reflexivity|].
      split; intros x y Hxy; apply Hf.
      * destruct Hxy as [Hxy | Hxy]; [left; simpl; constructor; assumption|right; simpl; split; [f_equal|]; tauto].
      * unfold weaken in *. simpl. split; [f_equal|]; tauto.
    + intros w Hw. destruct o1; simpl in Hw; [|discriminate]. injection Hw; intros; subst.
      eexists. eexists. eexists. exists f.
      split; [exact H4|]. simpl. split; [reflexivity|]. split; [reflexivity|]. assumption.
  - right. left.
    exists (f (subst1 t2 t1, 2 * size (subst1 t2 t1))).
    split; [apply Hf; left; apply beta_redex|].
    eexists. eexists. eexists. exists f.
    split; [exact H3|]. simpl. split; [reflexivity|]. split; [reflexivity|]. assumption.
  - left. rewrite read_val_nf. apply weaken_refl.
  - left. apply Hf. unfold weaken; split; simpl; [reflexivity|lia].
  - right. left.
    exists (f (constr tag l, 2 * list_sum (map (fun t => S (size t)) l))).
    split; [apply Hf; right; simpl; split; [reflexivity|lia]|].
    eexists. eexists. eexists. exists f.
    split; [exact H2|]. split; [reflexivity|]. tauto.
  - left. apply Hf. rewrite app_nil_r. unfold weaken; simpl; split; [reflexivity|lia].
  - right. right.
    exists (f (constr tag (map read_nfval_or_lam l1 ++ t :: l2), 1 + 2 * size t + 2 * list_sum (map (fun t => S (size t)) l2))).
    exists (option_map (fun t3 => f (constr tag (map read_nfval_or_lam l1 ++ fst t3 :: l2), 1 + snd t3 + 2 * list_sum (map (fun t => S (size t)) l2))) (read_out_with_size o1)).
    splits 3.
    + apply Hf. right. simpl. split; [reflexivity|lia].
    + eexists. eexists. eexists. exists (fun t3 => f (constr tag (map read_nfval_or_lam l1 ++ fst t3 :: l2), 1 + snd t3 + 2 * list_sum (map (fun t => S (size t)) l2))).
      split; [exact H4|]. simpl. split; [reflexivity|]. split; [reflexivity|].
      split; intros x y Hxy; apply Hf.
      * destruct Hxy as [Hxy | Hxy];
          [left; simpl; constructor; assumption|right; simpl; split; [destruct Hxy; congruence|lia]].
      * unfold weaken in *. simpl. split; [destruct Hxy; congruence|lia].
    + intros v Hv. destruct o1; simpl in Hv; [|discriminate]. injection Hv; intros; subst.
      eexists. eexists. eexists. exists f.
      split; [exact H6|]. split; [reflexivity|]. tauto.
  - right. left.
    exists (f (constr tag (map read_nfval_or_lam l1 ++ read_nfval_or_lam v :: l2), 2 * list_sum (map (fun t => S (size t)) l2))).
    split; [apply Hf; right; simpl; split; [reflexivity|lia]|].
    eexists. eexists. eexists. exists f.
    split; [exact H2|]. split; [simpl; rewrite map_app, <- app_assoc; reflexivity|]. tauto.
  - right. right.
    exists (f (switch t m, 1 + 2 * size t + 2 * list_sum (map (fun pt2 => S (size (snd pt2))) m))).
    exists (option_map (fun t3 => f (switch (fst t3) m, 1 + snd t3 + 2 * list_sum (map (fun pt2 => S (size (snd pt2))) m))) (read_out_with_size o1)).
    splits 3.
    + apply Hf. right. simpl. split; [reflexivity|lia].
    + eexists. eexists. eexists. exists (fun t3 => f (switch (fst t3) m, 1 + snd t3 + 2 * list_sum (map (fun pt2 => S (size (snd pt2))) m))).
      split; [exact H3|]. split; [reflexivity|]. split; [reflexivity|].
      split; intros x y Hxy; apply Hf.
      * destruct Hxy as [Hxy | Hxy]; [left; simpl; constructor; assumption|right; simpl; split; [f_equal; tauto|lia]].
      * unfold weaken in *. simpl. split; [f_equal; tauto|lia].
    + intros v Hv. destruct o1; simpl in Hv; [|discriminate]. injection Hv; intros; subst.
      eexists. eexists. eexists. exists f.
      split; [exact H4|]. simpl. split; [f_equal; f_equal; f_equal; lia|]. tauto.
  - right. left.
    exists (f (subst (read_env l) t, 2 * size (subst (read_env l) t))).
    apply nth_error_decompose in H3. destruct H3 as (m1 & m2 & -> & <-).
    split; [apply Hf; left; apply beta_switch_redex|].
    eexists. eexists. eexists. exists f.
    split; [exact H4|]. simpl. split; [reflexivity|]. split; [reflexivity|]. assumption.
  - right. left.
    exists (f (switch (read_nfval v) m, 2 * list_sum (map (fun pt2 => S (size (snd pt2))) m))).
    split; [apply Hf; right; simpl; split; [reflexivity|lia]|].
    eexists. eexists. eexists. exists f.
    split; [exact H3|]. split; [reflexivity|]. tauto.
  - left. apply Hf. unfold weaken; split; simpl; [rewrite read_val_nf, app_nil_r; reflexivity|lia].
  - right. right.
    exists (f (switch (read_nfval v) (map (fun pt2 => (fst pt2, read_nfval_or_lam (snd pt2))) m1 ++ (p, t) :: m2), 1 + 2 * size t + 2 * list_sum (map (fun pt2 => S (size (snd pt2))) m2))).
    exists (option_map (fun t3 => f (switch (read_nfval v) (map (fun pt2 => (fst pt2, read_nfval_or_lam (snd pt2))) m1 ++ (p, fst t3) :: m2), 1 + snd t3 + 2 * list_sum (map (fun pt2 => S (size (snd pt2))) m2))) (read_out_with_size o1)).
    splits 3.
    + apply Hf. right. simpl. split; [reflexivity|lia].
    + eexists. eexists. eexists. exists (fun t3 => f (switch (read_nfval v) (map (fun pt2 => (fst pt2, read_nfval_or_lam (snd pt2))) m1 ++ (p, fst t3) :: m2), 1 + snd t3 + 2 * list_sum (map (fun pt2 => S (size (snd pt2))) m2))).
      split; [exact H3|]. simpl. split; [reflexivity|]. split; [reflexivity|].
      split; intros x y Hxy; apply Hf.
      * destruct Hxy as [Hxy | Hxy];
          [left; simpl; constructor; assumption|right; simpl; split; [destruct Hxy; congruence|lia]].
      * unfold weaken in *. simpl. split; [destruct Hxy; congruence|lia].
    + intros w Hw. destruct o1; simpl in Hw; [|discriminate]. injection Hw; intros; subst.
      eexists. eexists. eexists. exists f.
      split; [exact H4|]. simpl. split; [f_equal; f_equal; f_equal; lia|]. tauto.
  - right. left.
    exists (f (switch (read_nfval v1) (map (fun pt2 => (fst pt2, read_nfval_or_lam (snd pt2))) m1 ++ (p, read_nfval_or_lam v2) :: m2), 2 * list_sum (map (fun pt2 => S (size (snd pt2))) m2))).
    split; [apply Hf; right; simpl; split; [reflexivity|lia]|].
    eexists. eexists. eexists. exists f.
    split; [exact H3|]. split; [simpl; rewrite map_app, <- app_assoc; reflexivity|]. tauto.
  - exfalso. destruct e; simpl in *; try congruence;
      try solve [destruct o0; simpl in *; autoinjSome; simpl in *; congruence];
      destruct o0 as [o0|]; simpl in *; try congruence.
    + destruct o0 as [p o0]; destruct o0; simpl in *; autoinjSome; simpl in *; congruence.
    + destruct o0; simpl in *; autoinjSome; simpl in *; congruence.

Lemma read_ext_with_size_read_ext :
  forall df (e : ext df), read_ext e = option_map fst (read_ext_with_size e).
Proof.   intros. destruct e; simpl; try destruct read_out; simpl; try reflexivity.
  - destruct o as [[p o0]|]; simpl in *; [|reflexivity].
    destruct read_out; simpl; reflexivity.
  - destruct o as [o|]; simpl in *; [|reflexivity].
    destruct read_out; simpl; reflexivity.

Lemma read_out_with_size_read_out :
  forall df (o : out (val df)), read_out o = option_map fst (read_out_with_size o).
Proof.   intros. destruct o; simpl; reflexivity.

Lemma red_div_beta :
  forall t df e o, cored df e o -> read_ext e = Some t -> costar beta t (read_out o).
Proof.   intros t df e o Hred He. apply costarP_costar.
  rewrite read_ext_with_size_read_ext in He.
  destruct read_ext_with_size as [t1|] eqn:Heqre; simpl in *; [|congruence].
  injection He as He; subst.
  rewrite read_out_with_size_read_out.
  apply costarPTn_costarP. eapply red_div_beta_aux; eassumption.