Module STerm

Require Import List.
Require Import Arith.
Require Import Freevar.
Require Import Misc.
Require Import Psatz.
Require Import Coq.Logic.Eqdep_dec.
Require Import FEnv.
Require Import Inductive.

Renaming are increasing functions from nat to nat, used when we need to rename variables. For practical purposes, we define them in such a manner that two equivalent renamings are actually equal, avoiding to require functional extensionality.

Definition renaming := list nat.
Fixpoint renv (L : renaming) (n : nat) : nat :=
  match L with
  | nil => n
  | k :: L => if le_lt_dec k n then S (k + renv L (n - k)) else n
Lemma renv_car : forall L, { C | (forall n, renv L n < renv L (S n)) /\ (forall n, renv L (n + C) = n + renv L C) }.
Proof.   induction L as [|k L].
  - exists 0. split.
    + intros n. simpl. constructor.
    + intros n. simpl. reflexivity.
  - destruct IHL as (C & HC1 & HC2).
    exists (k + C). split.
    + intros n. unfold renv; fold renv.
      repeat destruct le_lt_dec.
      * apply lt_n_S. apply plus_lt_compat_l.
        replace (S n - k) with (S (n - k)); [apply HC1|].
        apply minus_Sn_m. assumption.
      * lia.
      * lia.
      * lia.
    + intros. simpl.
      repeat (destruct le_lt_dec; try lia).
      replace (n + (k + C) - k) with (n + C) by lia.
      replace (k + C - k) with C by lia.
      rewrite HC2. lia.

Lemma renv_add : forall k, { L | forall n, renv L n = k + n }.
Proof.   induction k as [|k].
  - exists nil. simpl. reflexivity.
  - destruct IHk as (L & HL). exists (0 :: L). intros. simpl.
    f_equal. rewrite HL. lia.

Definition plus_ren k := proj1_sig (renv_add k).
Definition plus_ren_correct k : forall n, renv (plus_ren k) n = k + n := proj2_sig (renv_add k).

Lemma f_strict_mono_le : forall f, (forall n, f n < f (S n)) -> (forall n, n <= f n).
Proof.   intros. induction n as [|n].
  - lia.
  - specialize (H n). lia.

Lemma f_strict_mono_f0 : forall f, (forall n, f n < f (S n)) -> (forall n, f 0 <= f n).
Proof.   intros. induction n as [|n].
  - lia.
  - specialize (H n). lia.

Lemma f_strict_mono : forall f, (forall n, f n < f (S n)) -> (forall n m, n < m -> f n < f m).
Proof.   intros f H n m Hlt. induction Hlt.
  - apply H.
  - specialize (H m). lia.

Lemma renv_repeat0 : forall k L n, renv (repeat 0 k ++ L) n = k + renv L n.
Proof.   induction k as [|k].
  - intros. simpl. reflexivity.
  - intros. simpl. rewrite IHk. f_equal. f_equal. f_equal. lia.

Definition lift (L : renaming) : renaming :=
  match L with
  | nil => nil
  | k :: L => S k :: L

Lemma lift_renv :
  forall n L, renv (lift L) n = match n with 0 => 0 | S n => S (renv L n) end.
Proof.   intros [|n] [|k L]; try reflexivity.
  unfold lift. unfold renv; fold renv.
  repeat destruct le_lt_dec; try lia.

Definition liftn p (L : renaming) : renaming :=
  match L with
  | nil => nil
  | k :: L => p + k :: L

Lemma liftn_renv_small :
  forall n p L, n < p -> renv (liftn p L) n = n.
Proof.   intros n p [|k L] Hp; simpl; try reflexivity.
  destruct le_lt_dec; lia.

Lemma liftn_renv_large :
  forall n p L, p <= n -> renv (liftn p L) n = p + renv L (n - p).
Proof.   intros n p [|k L] Hp; simpl; try lia.
  repeat destruct le_lt_dec; try lia.
  replace (n - p - k) with (n - (p + k)) by lia. lia.

Lemma renv_uncar :
  forall f, { C | (forall n, f n < f (S n)) /\ (forall n, f (n + C) = n + f C) } -> { L | forall n, renv L n = f n }.
Proof.   intros f (C & HC1 & HC2). revert f HC1 HC2; induction C as [|C]; intros f HC1 HC2.
  - exists (proj1_sig (renv_add (f 0))). intros n.
    destruct renv_add as (L & HL). simpl. rewrite HL.
    specialize (HC2 n). rewrite <- plus_n_O in HC2. lia.
  - specialize (IHC (fun n => f (S n) - S (f 0))). simpl in IHC.
    destruct IHC as (L & HL).
    + intros. assert (H := HC1 (S n)). assert (H2 := f_strict_mono_f0 f HC1 n). specialize (HC1 n). lia.
    + intros. rewrite plus_n_Sm, HC2. assert (H := f_strict_mono_f0 f HC1 C). specialize (HC1 C). lia.
    + exists (repeat 0 (f 0) ++ lift L). intros [|n]; rewrite renv_repeat0, lift_renv; simpl.
      * lia.
      * rewrite HL. assert (H := HC1 n). assert (H2 := f_strict_mono_f0 f HC1 n). lia.

Lemma renv_comp_def :
  forall L1 L2, { L3 | forall n, renv L3 n = renv L1 (renv L2 n) }.
Proof.   intros L1 L2. apply renv_uncar.
  destruct (renv_car L1) as (C1 & HC1a & HC1b).
  destruct (renv_car L2) as (C2 & HC2a & HC2b).
  exists (C1 + C2). split.
  - intros n. apply f_strict_mono; [assumption|]. apply HC2a.
  - intros n. rewrite Nat.add_assoc, !HC2b.
    rewrite Nat.add_comm with (n := C1), HC1b.
    rewrite Nat.add_comm, Nat.add_assoc, HC1b. lia.

Definition renv_comp L1 L2 := proj1_sig (renv_comp_def L1 L2).
Definition renv_comp_correct L1 L2 : forall n, renv (renv_comp L1 L2) n = renv L1 (renv L2 n) := proj2_sig (renv_comp_def L1 L2).

Lemma renv_ext :
  forall L1 L2, (forall n, renv L1 n = renv L2 n) -> L1 = L2.
Proof.   induction L1 as [|x1 L1]; destruct L2 as [|x2 L2].
  - intros; reflexivity.
  - intros H. specialize (H x2). simpl in H.
    destruct le_lt_dec; lia.
  - intros H. specialize (H x1). simpl in H.
    destruct le_lt_dec; lia.
  - intros H. assert (x1 = x2).
    + assert (H1 := H x1). assert (H2 := H x2).
      simpl in *.
      repeat destruct le_lt_dec; lia.
    + subst. f_equal. apply IHL1.
      intros n. specialize (H (x2 + n)).
      simpl in H. destruct le_lt_dec; [|lia].
      replace (x2 + n - x2) with n in H by lia.

Definition shiftn k : renaming := k :: nil.
Lemma renv_shiftn :
  forall k n, renv (shiftn k) n = if le_lt_dec k n then S n else n.
Proof.   intros k n. simpl. destruct le_lt_dec; lia.

Definition comp {A B C : Type} (f : B -> C) (g : A -> B) x := f (g x).
Definition scons {A : Type} (x : A) (f : nat -> A) n := match n with 0 => x | S n => f n end.

Definition id_ren : renaming := nil.

Definition pointwise_eq {A B : Type} (f g : A -> B) := forall x, f x = g x.
Infix ".=" := pointwise_eq (at level 70).

Lemma scons_0_S : scons 0 S .= id.
Proof.   intros [|n]; reflexivity.

Lemma comp_l : forall (A B : Type) (f : A -> B), comp id f .= f.
Proof.   intros A B f x; unfold comp. reflexivity.

Lemma comp_r : forall (A B : Type) (f : A -> B), comp f id .= f.
Proof.   intros A B f x; unfold comp. reflexivity.

Lemma comp_scons : forall (A B : Type) (x : A) f (g : A -> B), comp g (scons x f) .= scons (g x) (comp g f).
Proof.   intros A B x f g [|n]; unfold comp; simpl; reflexivity.

Lemma scons_comp_id : forall (A : Type) (f : nat -> A), scons (f 0) (comp f S) .= f.
Proof.   intros A f [|n]; unfold comp; simpl; reflexivity.

Lemma scons_comp_S : forall (A : Type) (x : A) f, comp (scons x f) S .= f.
Proof.   intros A x f n. unfold comp; simpl. reflexivity.

Definition of terms and substitution, in de Bruijn syntax. The var constructor corresponds to bound variables, while dvar is used for defined constants.

Inductive term :=
| var : nat -> term
| dvar : nat -> term
| abs : term -> term
| app : term -> term -> term
| constr : nat -> list term -> term
| switch : term -> list (nat * term) -> term.

Fixpoint term_ind2 (P : term -> Prop)
         (Hvar : forall n, P (var n))
         (Hdvar : forall n, P (dvar n))
         (Habs : forall t, P t -> P (abs t))
         (Happ : forall t1 t2, P t1 -> P t2 -> P (app t1 t2))
         (Hconstr : forall tag l, Forall P l -> P (constr tag l))
         (Hswitch : forall t m, P t -> Forall (fun '(p, t2) => P t2) m -> P (switch t m))
         (t : term) : P t :=
  match t with
  | var n => Hvar n
  | dvar n => Hdvar n
  | abs t => Habs t (term_ind2 P Hvar Hdvar Habs Happ Hconstr Hswitch t)
  | app t1 t2 =>
    Happ t1 t2
      (term_ind2 P Hvar Hdvar Habs Happ Hconstr Hswitch t1)
      (term_ind2 P Hvar Hdvar Habs Happ Hconstr Hswitch t2)
  | constr tag l =>
    Hconstr tag l
            ((fix H (l : _) : Forall P l :=
              match l with
              | nil => @Forall_nil _ _
              | cons t l => @Forall_cons _ _ t l (term_ind2 P Hvar Hdvar Habs Happ Hconstr Hswitch t) (H l)
              end) l)
  | switch t m =>
    Hswitch t m
            (term_ind2 P Hvar Hdvar Habs Happ Hconstr Hswitch t)
            ((fix H (m : _) : Forall (fun '(p, t2) => P t2) m :=
              match m with
              | nil => @Forall_nil _ _
              | cons (p, t2) m => @Forall_cons _ _ (p, t2) m (term_ind2 P Hvar Hdvar Habs Happ Hconstr Hswitch t2) (H m)
              end) m)

Fixpoint ren_term (r : renaming) t :=
  match t with
  | var n => var (renv r n)
  | dvar n => dvar n
  | abs t => abs (ren_term (lift r) t)
  | app t1 t2 => app (ren_term r t1) (ren_term r t2)
  | constr tag l => constr tag (map (ren_term r) l)
  | switch t l => switch (ren_term r t) (map (fun pt2 => (fst pt2, ren_term (liftn (fst pt2) r) (snd pt2))) l)

Definition lift_subst us := scons (var 0) (comp (ren_term (plus_ren 1)) us).
Definition liftn_subst p us n := if le_lt_dec p n then ren_term (plus_ren p) (us (n - p)) else var n.

Fixpoint subst us t :=
  match t with
  | var n => us n
  | dvar n => dvar n
  | abs t => abs (subst (lift_subst us) t)
  | app t1 t2 => app (subst us t1) (subst us t2)
  | constr tag l => constr tag (map (subst us) l)
  | switch t l => switch (subst us t) (map (fun pt2 => (fst pt2, subst (liftn_subst (fst pt2) us) (snd pt2))) l)

Definition subst1 u t := subst (scons u (fun n => var n)) t.

Lemma subst_ext :
  forall t us1 us2, (forall n, us1 n = us2 n) -> subst us1 t = subst us2 t.
Proof.   induction t using term_ind2; intros us1 us2 Heq; simpl.
  - apply Heq.
  - reflexivity.
  - f_equal. apply IHt. intros [|n]; simpl; [reflexivity|unfold comp; f_equal; apply Heq].
  - f_equal; [apply IHt1|apply IHt2]; assumption.
  - f_equal. apply map_ext_in. intros t Ht. rewrite Forall_forall in H. apply H; assumption.
  - f_equal; [apply IHt; assumption|].
    apply map_ext_in. intros [p t2] Hpt2. simpl. f_equal.
    rewrite Forall_forall in H. apply (H _ Hpt2).
    intros n. unfold liftn_subst. destruct le_lt_dec; [|reflexivity]. f_equal. apply Heq.

Definition ren r := fun n => var (renv r n).

Lemma ren_term_is_subst :
  forall t r, ren_term r t = subst (ren r) t.
Proof.   induction t using term_ind2; intros r; simpl.
  - reflexivity.
  - reflexivity.
  - f_equal. rewrite IHt. apply subst_ext.
    intros [|n]; simpl.
    + unfold ren. rewrite lift_renv. reflexivity.
    + unfold ren. rewrite lift_renv. unfold comp. simpl. f_equal. f_equal. lia.
  - f_equal; [apply IHt1|apply IHt2].
  - f_equal. apply map_ext_in. intros t Ht. rewrite Forall_forall in H. apply H; assumption.
  - f_equal; [apply IHt|].
    apply map_ext_in. intros [p t2] Hpt2. simpl. f_equal.
    rewrite Forall_forall in H.
    erewrite subst_ext; [apply (H _ Hpt2)|]. intros n.
    unfold liftn_subst, ren. destruct le_lt_dec.
    + simpl. rewrite liftn_renv_large, plus_ren_correct; [reflexivity|assumption].
    + f_equal. rewrite liftn_renv_small; [reflexivity|assumption].

Lemma unfold_lift_subst :
  forall us n, lift_subst us n = match n with 0 => var 0 | S n => subst (ren (plus_ren 1)) (us n) end.
Proof.   intros us [|n]; simpl; [reflexivity|].
  unfold comp. apply ren_term_is_subst.

Lemma unfold_liftn_subst :
  forall p us n, liftn_subst p us n = if le_lt_dec p n then subst (ren (plus_ren p)) (us (n - p)) else var n.
Proof.   intros p us n. unfold liftn_subst. destruct le_lt_dec; [|reflexivity].
  apply ren_term_is_subst.

Lemma unfold_subst :
  forall t us, subst us t =
          match t with
          | var n => us n
          | dvar n => dvar n
          | abs t => abs (subst (lift_subst us) t)
          | app t1 t2 => app (subst us t1) (subst us t2)
          | constr tag l => constr tag (map (subst us) l)
          | switch t l => switch (subst us t) (map (fun pt2 => (fst pt2, subst (liftn_subst (fst pt2) us) (snd pt2))) l)
Proof.   destruct t; intros us; reflexivity.

Lemma ren_ren :
  forall t r1 r2, ren_term r1 (ren_term r2 t) = ren_term (renv_comp r1 r2) t.
Proof.   induction t using term_ind2; intros r1 r2; simpl.
  - rewrite renv_comp_correct. reflexivity.
  - reflexivity.
  - f_equal. rewrite IHt. f_equal.
    apply renv_ext.
    intros [|n]; rewrite !lift_renv, !renv_comp_correct, !lift_renv; reflexivity.
  - rewrite IHt1, IHt2. reflexivity.
  - f_equal. rewrite map_map; apply map_ext_in. intros t Ht.
    rewrite Forall_forall in H. apply H. assumption.
  - f_equal; [apply IHt|]. rewrite map_map; apply map_ext_in.
    intros [p t2] Hpt2. simpl. f_equal.
    rewrite Forall_forall in H.
    rewrite (H _ Hpt2). f_equal. apply renv_ext. intros n.
    destruct (le_lt_dec p n).
    + rewrite renv_comp_correct, !liftn_renv_large, renv_comp_correct; try assumption.
      * f_equal. f_equal. lia.
      * rewrite liftn_renv_large; lia.
    + rewrite renv_comp_correct, !liftn_renv_small; try assumption.
      * reflexivity.
      * rewrite liftn_renv_small; assumption.

Lemma ren_subst :
  forall t r us, ren_term r (subst us t) = subst (comp (ren_term r) us) t.
Proof.   induction t using term_ind2; intros r us; simpl.
  - unfold comp; simpl. rewrite ren_term_is_subst. reflexivity.
  - reflexivity.
  - f_equal. rewrite IHt. unfold comp. apply subst_ext.
    intros [|n]; simpl.
    + rewrite lift_renv. reflexivity.
    + unfold comp. rewrite !ren_ren. f_equal.
      apply renv_ext. intros [|m]; rewrite !renv_comp_correct, lift_renv; simpl; lia.
  - rewrite IHt1, IHt2. reflexivity.
  - f_equal. rewrite map_map; apply map_ext_in. intros t Ht.
    rewrite Forall_forall in H. apply H. assumption.
  - f_equal; [apply IHt|]. rewrite map_map; apply map_ext_in.
    intros [p t2] Hpt2. simpl. f_equal.
    rewrite Forall_forall in H. rewrite (H _ Hpt2). apply subst_ext.
    intros n. unfold comp, liftn_subst. destruct le_lt_dec.
    + rewrite !ren_ren. f_equal. apply renv_ext. intros n2.
      rewrite !renv_comp_correct, !plus_ren_correct, liftn_renv_large by lia.
      f_equal. f_equal. lia.
    + simpl. rewrite liftn_renv_small; [reflexivity|assumption].

Lemma subst_ren :
  forall t r us, subst us (ren_term r t) = subst (comp (subst us) (ren r)) t.
Proof.   induction t using term_ind2; intros r us; simpl.
  - unfold comp; simpl. reflexivity.
  - reflexivity.
  - f_equal. rewrite IHt. unfold comp. apply subst_ext.
    intros [|n]; simpl.
    + rewrite lift_renv. reflexivity.
    + rewrite lift_renv. simpl. reflexivity.
  - rewrite IHt1, IHt2. reflexivity.
  - f_equal. rewrite map_map; apply map_ext_in. intros t Ht.
    rewrite Forall_forall in H. apply H. assumption.
  - f_equal; [apply IHt|]. rewrite map_map; apply map_ext_in.
    intros [p t2] Hpt2. simpl. f_equal.
    rewrite Forall_forall in H. rewrite (H _ Hpt2). apply subst_ext.
    intros n. unfold comp, liftn_subst, ren; simpl. destruct (le_lt_dec p n).
    + unfold ren. simpl. rewrite liftn_renv_large by assumption.
      destruct le_lt_dec; [|lia]. f_equal. f_equal. lia.
    + unfold ren. rewrite liftn_renv_small by assumption. destruct le_lt_dec; [lia|reflexivity].

Lemma subst_subst :
  forall t us1 us2, subst us2 (subst us1 t) = subst (comp (subst us2) us1) t.
Proof.   induction t using term_ind2; intros us1 us2; simpl.
  - unfold comp. reflexivity.
  - reflexivity.
  - f_equal. rewrite IHt. unfold lift_subst, comp. apply subst_ext.
    intros [|n]; simpl; [reflexivity|].
    rewrite ren_subst. rewrite subst_ren. apply subst_ext.
    intros m; unfold comp; simpl. f_equal. f_equal. lia.
  - rewrite IHt1, IHt2. reflexivity.
  - f_equal. rewrite map_map; apply map_ext_in.
    intros t Ht. rewrite Forall_forall in H. apply H. assumption.
  - f_equal; [apply IHt|]. rewrite map_map; apply map_ext_in.
    intros [p t2] Hpt2. simpl. f_equal.
    rewrite Forall_forall in H. rewrite (H _ Hpt2). apply subst_ext.
    intros n. unfold comp, liftn_subst; simpl. destruct le_lt_dec; simpl.
    + rewrite subst_ren. rewrite ren_subst. apply subst_ext.
      intros n2; unfold comp; simpl. rewrite plus_ren_correct. destruct le_lt_dec; [|lia].
      f_equal. f_equal. lia.
    + destruct le_lt_dec; [lia|]. reflexivity.

Lemma subst_id :
  forall t, subst (fun n => var n) t = t.
Proof.   induction t using term_ind2; simpl; f_equal; try assumption.
  - erewrite subst_ext; [eassumption|].
    intros [|n]; unfold lift_subst, comp; simpl; [reflexivity|f_equal; lia].
  - erewrite map_ext_in; [apply map_id|]. intros t Ht.
    rewrite Forall_forall in H. apply H. assumption.
  - erewrite map_ext_in; [apply map_id|]. intros [p t2] Hpt2. simpl.
    f_equal. rewrite Forall_forall in H.
    erewrite subst_ext; [apply (H _ Hpt2)|]. intros n; unfold liftn_subst.
    destruct le_lt_dec; [|reflexivity]. simpl.
    rewrite plus_ren_correct; f_equal; lia.

Lemma liftn_subst_comp :
  forall p us1 us2 n, comp (subst (liftn_subst p us1)) (liftn_subst p us2) n = liftn_subst p (comp (subst us1) us2) n.
Proof.   intros p us1 us2 n. unfold comp, liftn_subst.
  destruct le_lt_dec.
  - rewrite ren_subst, subst_ren. apply subst_ext.
    intros m. unfold comp; simpl. rewrite plus_ren_correct. destruct le_lt_dec; [|lia].
    f_equal. f_equal. lia.
  - simpl. destruct le_lt_dec; [lia|]. reflexivity.

Lemma liftn_subst_1 :
  forall us, (forall n, liftn_subst 1 us n = lift_subst us n).
Proof.   intros us n. unfold liftn_subst, lift_subst.
  destruct n as [|n]; simpl in *; [reflexivity|].
  rewrite Nat.sub_0_r. reflexivity.

Lemma liftn_subst_add :
  forall us p q, (forall n, liftn_subst p (liftn_subst q us) n = liftn_subst (p + q) us n).
Proof.   intros us p q n. unfold liftn_subst.
  repeat destruct le_lt_dec; try lia; try rewrite !ren_ren; simpl; f_equal.
  - apply renv_ext; intros m; rewrite renv_comp_correct, !plus_ren_correct. lia.
  - f_equal. lia.
  - rewrite plus_ren_correct. lia.

Lemma liftn_subst_0 :
  forall us, (forall n, liftn_subst 0 us n = us n).
Proof.   intros us n. unfold liftn_subst. destruct le_lt_dec; [|lia].
  erewrite Nat.sub_0_r, ren_term_is_subst, subst_ext, subst_id; [reflexivity|].
  intros; reflexivity.

Definition read_env (e : list term) :=
  fun n => match nth_error e n with Some u => u | None => var (n - length e) end.

Lemma read_env_0 :
  forall t e, read_env (t :: e) 0 = t.
Proof.   intros; reflexivity.

Lemma read_env_S :
  forall t e n, read_env (t :: e) (S n) = read_env e n.
Proof.   intros; reflexivity.

Lemma read_env_app :
  forall e1 e2 n, read_env (e1 ++ e2) n = subst (read_env e1) (liftn_subst (length e1) (read_env e2) n).
Proof.   intros e1 e2 n. unfold read_env, liftn_subst.
  destruct le_lt_dec.
  - rewrite nth_error_app2 by assumption.
    destruct nth_error eqn:Hn.
    + rewrite ren_term_is_subst, subst_subst.
      erewrite subst_ext; [symmetry; apply subst_id|].
      intros m. unfold comp; simpl. rewrite plus_ren_correct.
      rewrite nth_error_None_rw by lia. f_equal. lia.
    + simpl. rewrite plus_ren_correct.
      rewrite nth_error_None_rw by lia. f_equal. rewrite app_length; lia.
  - rewrite nth_error_app1 by assumption. simpl.
    destruct nth_error eqn:Hnth; [reflexivity|].
    apply nth_error_None in Hnth. lia.

Fixpoint size t :=
  match t with
  | var n => 0
  | dvar n => 0
  | abs t => S (size t)
  | app t1 t2 => S (size t1 + size t2)
  | constr tag l => S (list_sum (map (fun t => S (size t)) l))
  | switch t m => S (size t + list_sum (map (fun pt2 => S (size (snd pt2))) m))

Inductive closed_at : term -> nat -> Prop :=
| closed_at_var : forall n k, n < k -> closed_at (var n) k
| closed_at_dvar : forall n k, closed_at (dvar n) k
| closed_at_app : forall t1 t2 k, closed_at t1 k -> closed_at t2 k -> closed_at (app t1 t2) k
| closed_at_abs : forall t k, closed_at t (S k) -> closed_at (abs t) k
| closed_at_constr : forall tag l k, (forall t, t \in l -> closed_at t k) -> closed_at (constr tag l) k
| closed_at_switch :
    forall t m k, closed_at t k -> (forall p t2, (p, t2) \in m -> closed_at t2 (p + k)) -> closed_at (switch t m) k.

Lemma subst_closed_at_ext :
  forall t k us1 us2, closed_at t k -> (forall n, n < k -> us1 n = us2 n) -> subst us1 t = subst us2 t.
Proof.   induction t using term_ind2; intros k us1 us2 Hclosed Hext; inversion Hclosed; subst; simpl.
  - apply Hext. assumption.
  - reflexivity.
  - f_equal. eapply IHt; [eassumption|].
    intros [|n] Hn; simpl in *; [reflexivity|].
    unfold comp. f_equal. apply Hext. lia.
  - f_equal; [eapply IHt1 | eapply IHt2]; eassumption.
  - f_equal. apply map_ext_in; intros t Ht.
    rewrite Forall_forall in H; eapply H; try eassumption.
    apply H3; assumption.
  - f_equal; [eapply IHt; eassumption|].
    apply map_ext_in; intros [p t2] Hpt2. simpl. f_equal.
    rewrite Forall_forall in H; eapply (H _ Hpt2); [apply H4; eassumption|].
    intros n Hn. unfold liftn_subst.
    destruct le_lt_dec.
    + f_equal. apply Hext. lia.
    + reflexivity.

Lemma subst_closed_at_id :
  forall us t k, closed_at t k -> (forall n, n < k -> us n = var n) -> subst us t = t.
Proof.   intros us t k H1 H2. erewrite subst_closed_at_ext; [apply subst_id|eassumption|eassumption].

Lemma closed_at_ren :
  forall t ren k1 k2, closed_at t k1 -> (forall n, n < k1 -> renv ren n < k2) -> closed_at (ren_term ren t) k2.
Proof.   induction t using term_ind2; intros ren k1 k2 Ht Hren; inversion Ht; subst; simpl.
  - constructor. apply Hren. assumption.
  - constructor.
  - constructor. eapply IHt; [eassumption|].
    intros [|n]; rewrite lift_renv; [lia|]. intros; specialize (Hren n); lia.
  - constructor; [eapply IHt1|eapply IHt2]; eassumption.
  - constructor. rewrite <- Forall_forall in *.
    rewrite Forall_map. eapply Forall_impl; [|rewrite <- Forall_and; split; [apply H|apply H3]].
    intros t [IH Ht2]; eapply IH; eassumption.
  - constructor; [eapply IHt; eassumption|].
    intros p t2 Hpt2; rewrite in_map_iff in Hpt2; destruct Hpt2 as [[p3 t3] [Hpt2 Hpt3]]; simpl in *.
    injection Hpt2 as Hpt2; subst. rewrite Forall_forall in H. specialize (H _ Hpt3); simpl in H.
    eapply H; [apply H4; eassumption|].
    intros n Hn. destruct (le_lt_dec p n).
    + rewrite liftn_renv_large by assumption. specialize (Hren (n - p)); lia.
    + rewrite liftn_renv_small by assumption; lia.

Lemma closed_at_plus_ren :
  forall t p k, closed_at t k -> closed_at (ren_term (plus_ren p) t) (p + k).
Proof.   intros t p k H. eapply closed_at_ren; [eassumption|].
  intros n Hn; rewrite plus_ren_correct; lia.

Lemma closed_at_subst_read_env_lift :
  forall t k p el, Forall (fun t => closed_at t k) el -> closed_at t (p + length el + k) -> closed_at (subst (liftn_subst p (read_env el)) t) (p + k).
Proof.   intros t k p el Hel Ht; revert p Ht; induction t using term_ind2; intros p Ht; inversion Ht; subst; simpl.
  - unfold read_env, liftn_subst. destruct le_lt_dec.
    + destruct nth_error eqn:Hnth.
      * apply closed_at_plus_ren. rewrite Forall_forall in Hel. eapply Hel, nth_error_In, Hnth.
      * simpl. constructor. rewrite plus_ren_correct. rewrite nth_error_None in Hnth. lia.
    + constructor. lia.
  - constructor.
  - constructor. erewrite subst_ext; [|intros n; rewrite <- liftn_subst_1; apply liftn_subst_add].
    apply IHt. assumption.
  - constructor; [apply IHt1|apply IHt2]; assumption.
  - constructor. rewrite <- Forall_forall in *.
    rewrite Forall_map. eapply Forall_impl; [|rewrite <- Forall_and; split; [apply H|apply H3]].
    intros t [IH Ht2]; eapply IH; eassumption.
  - constructor; [apply IHt; assumption|].
    intros p2 t2 Hpt2; rewrite in_map_iff in Hpt2; destruct Hpt2 as [[p3 t3] [Hpt2 Hpt3]]; simpl in *.
    injection Hpt2 as Hpt2; subst. rewrite Forall_forall in H. specialize (H _ Hpt3); simpl in H.
    rewrite plus_assoc.
    erewrite subst_ext; [|apply liftn_subst_add].
    eapply H. specialize (H4 _ _ Hpt3). rewrite !plus_assoc in H4. assumption.

Lemma closed_at_subst_read_env :
  forall t k el, Forall (fun t => closed_at t k) el -> closed_at t (length el + k) -> closed_at (subst (read_env el) t) k.
Proof.   intros t k el H1 H2. assert (H := closed_at_subst_read_env_lift t k 0 el H1 H2).
  erewrite subst_ext in H; [eassumption|].
  intros n. apply liftn_subst_0.

Lemma closed_at_mono :
  forall t n m, n <= m -> closed_at t n -> closed_at t m.
Proof.   intros t n m Hnm H; revert m Hnm. induction H; intros n2 Hn; constructor.
  - lia.
  - apply IHclosed_at1. assumption.
  - apply IHclosed_at2. assumption.
  - apply IHclosed_at. lia.
  - intros t Ht; apply H0; assumption.
  - apply IHclosed_at. assumption.
  - intros; eapply H1; [eassumption|lia].

Lemma liftn_subst_read_env :
  forall t p e, closed_at t (p + length e) -> subst (liftn_subst p (read_env e)) t = subst (read_env (map var (seq 0 p) ++ map (subst (ren (plus_ren p))) e)) t.
Proof.   intros t p e Ht. eapply subst_closed_at_ext; [eassumption|]. intros n Hn.
  unfold liftn_subst, read_env.
  destruct le_lt_dec.
  - rewrite nth_error_app2; [|rewrite map_length, seq_length; assumption].
    rewrite map_length, seq_length, nth_error_map.
    destruct nth_error eqn:Hnth.
    + rewrite ren_term_is_subst. reflexivity.
    + simpl. rewrite nth_error_None in Hnth. lia.
  - rewrite nth_error_app1 by (rewrite map_length, seq_length; assumption). rewrite nth_error_map.
    rewrite seq_nth_error by assumption. reflexivity.

Definition env_get_maybe_var {A: Type} (env : list A) t :=
  match t with
  | var n => nth_error env n
  | _ => None

Lemma env_get_maybe_var_in :
  forall (A : Type) t (env : list A) x, env_get_maybe_var env t = Some x -> x \in env.
Proof.   intros A t env x H. destruct t; simpl in *; try congruence.
  eapply nth_error_In. eassumption.

Lemma subst_subst1 :
  forall us t1 t2, subst us (subst1 t1 t2) = subst1 (subst us t1) (subst (lift_subst us) t2).
Proof.   intros us t1 t2. unfold subst1. rewrite !subst_subst.
  apply subst_ext. unfold comp. intros [|n].
  * reflexivity.
  * simpl. unfold comp. rewrite subst_ren.
    etransitivity; [symmetry; apply subst_id|].
    apply subst_ext. intros n1. unfold comp. simpl. f_equal. lia.

Lemma lift_ren :
  forall r n, ren (lift r) n = lift_subst (ren r) n.
Proof.   intros r n. unfold ren, lift_subst, comp.
  rewrite lift_renv. simpl.
  destruct n; simpl; [reflexivity|].
  f_equal; lia.

Lemma ren_subst1 :
  forall r t1 t2, ren_term r (subst1 t1 t2) = subst1 (ren_term r t1) (ren_term (lift r) t2).
Proof.   intros r t1 t2.
  rewrite !ren_term_is_subst, subst_subst1.
  f_equal. apply subst_ext.
  intros n; rewrite lift_ren; reflexivity.

Lemma subst_read_env :
  forall us l t, subst us (subst (read_env l) t) = subst (read_env (map (subst us) l)) (subst (liftn_subst (length l) us) t).
Proof.   intros us l t. rewrite !subst_subst. apply subst_ext; intros n.
  unfold comp, read_env, liftn_subst.
  destruct nth_error as [u|] eqn:Hln.
  - destruct le_lt_dec; [apply nth_error_None in l0; congruence|]. simpl.
    rewrite nth_error_map, Hln. reflexivity.
  - destruct le_lt_dec; [|apply nth_error_None in Hln; lia].
    simpl. rewrite subst_ren.
    etransitivity; [symmetry; apply subst_id|].
    eapply subst_ext.
    intros m. unfold comp, ren. simpl.
    rewrite plus_ren_correct.
    replace (nth_error _ _) with (@None term).
    + f_equal. rewrite map_length. lia.
    + symmetry. apply nth_error_None. rewrite map_length; lia.

Lemma ren_read_env :
  forall r l t, ren_term r (subst (read_env l) t) = subst (read_env (map (ren_term r) l)) (ren_term (liftn (length l) r) t).
Proof.   intros r l t.
  rewrite !ren_term_is_subst, subst_read_env.
  - f_equal. apply map_ext. intros; rewrite ren_term_is_subst; reflexivity.
  - apply subst_ext. intros n.
    unfold liftn_subst, ren. destruct le_lt_dec; simpl.
    + rewrite plus_ren_correct.
      rewrite liftn_renv_large; [reflexivity|assumption].
    + rewrite liftn_renv_small; [reflexivity|assumption].

Lemma lift_liftn_1 :
  forall r, lift r = liftn 1 r.
Proof.   intros r. apply renv_ext. intros [|n].
  - rewrite lift_renv, liftn_renv_small; lia.
  - rewrite lift_renv, liftn_renv_large by lia.
    simpl; f_equal. f_equal. lia.

Lemma liftn_liftn :
  forall r k1 k2, liftn k1 (liftn k2 r) = liftn (k1 + k2) r.
Proof.   intros r k1 k2. apply renv_ext. intros n.
  destruct (le_lt_dec k1 n).
  - rewrite liftn_renv_large by assumption.
    destruct (le_lt_dec k2 (n - k1)).
    + rewrite !liftn_renv_large by lia.
      replace (n - (k1 + k2)) with (n - k1 - k2) by lia. lia.
    + rewrite !liftn_renv_small; lia.
  - rewrite !liftn_renv_small; lia.

Lemma liftn_0 :
  forall r, liftn 0 r = r.
Proof.   intros. apply renv_ext. intros n.
  rewrite liftn_renv_large by lia. simpl. f_equal. lia.

Lemma liftn_subst_1_subst :
  forall us t, subst (liftn_subst 1 us) t = subst (lift_subst us) t.
Proof.   intros us t. apply subst_ext, liftn_subst_1.

Lemma liftn_subst_add_subst :
  forall us t k1 k2, subst (liftn_subst k1 (liftn_subst k2 us)) t = subst (liftn_subst (k1 + k2) us) t.
Proof.   intros; apply subst_ext, liftn_subst_add.

Lemma liftn_subst_0_subst :
  forall us t, subst (liftn_subst 0 us) t = subst us t.
Proof.   intros us t. apply subst_ext, liftn_subst_0.

Lemma subst1_read_env :
  forall t1 t2, subst1 t1 t2 = subst (read_env (t1 :: nil)) t2.
Proof.   intros t1 t2. apply subst_ext. intros [|n].
  - reflexivity.
  - unfold read_env. simpl. destruct n; simpl; f_equal; lia.

Lemma read_env_app_subst :
  forall t e1 e2, subst (read_env (e1 ++ e2)) t = subst (read_env e1) (subst (liftn_subst (length e1) (read_env e2)) t).
Proof.   intros t e1 e2. rewrite subst_subst.
  eapply subst_ext. apply read_env_app.

Lemma read_env_app_subst1 :
  forall t e t2, subst (read_env (t2 :: e)) t = subst1 t2 (subst (lift_subst (read_env e)) t).
Proof.   intros t e t2. rewrite subst1_read_env, <- liftn_subst_1_subst, <- read_env_app_subst. reflexivity.